primary course

In the Primary Course, you will produce a portfolio centered around fashion design. You will grow to understand your artistic roots throughout the creation of the portfolio as you receive advice on research and design methods. From the main focus 'what is fashion?', you will learn by thinking and feeling what fashion means in the present age. As the school name suggests (coco means individuality), we will create an environment where people can express themselves as an individual.
Yoshikazu Yamagata (山縣良和)
Yuki Shimane (島根由祈)
Courses Offered
Former Period (May to September): 6 pm - 10 pm Saturday, 12 classes total
Latter Period (November to March): 6 pm - 10 pm Saturday, 12 classes total
*There will be 12 classes in total plus a social event including guest instructors.
*Choose the former or latter period since this is a half-year completion course.
*Class time may be extended depending on the situation.
Admission fee 10,000 yen (tax included)
Course fee 120,000 yen (tax included)
*In addition to other production costs for painting materials (prepared by yourself)
*Those who have taken this course in the past will be exempt from the admission fee of 10,000 yen.
Application Deadline
Applications for the second semester of coconogacco 2023 have been closed.
Thank you very much for all the applications.
We will begin accepting applications for the first semester of the 2024 academic year and will announce the schedule for the trial course around February 2024.